quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2013

"Erbame Dich,Mein Got " e "White as Lilies"

Nas duas canções que compartilho aqui, a "Dor" transcende a dimensão puramente humana ...
A primeira, "Erbame Dich, Mein Got " (Misericórdia,meu Deus)  uma ária de J.S.Bach, cantada  etéricamente  pelo contra-tenor  alemão 
Andreas Scholl,( 1967-) e a segunda "White as Lilies" uma canção feita pelo Andreas, que também é compositor . 

 “Erbarme dich”

Ária para Contralto,violino solo,violino I,violino II, viola e contínuo da Paixão Segundo São Mateus,de J.S.Bach

Erbame dich, Mein Gott  -  Have Mercy ,my God

Um meiner Zähren willen  - fort he sake of my tears
Schaue hier,Herz und Auge  -  See here, before you
Weint  vor  dir bitterlich    -heart and eyes weep  bitterly
Erbame dich,Mein Gott -    Have mercy, My God

Segue a canção"White as Lilies",  de Andreas Scholl, inspirada num tema de 
John Dowland (1563-1626)

White as lilies

White as lilies was her face 
When she smiled and she beguiled 
And I will never find 
A love like this again 

Lady, as you know 
My heart is full of sorrow 
For I can"t see a face 
Wake up with you tomorrow 

Your fair looks inflame my desire 
Quenched again with love 
If love makes my sweet 
Come to the silent grovy shade 

White as lilies was her face 
When she smiled and she beguiled 
And I will never find 
A love like this again 

White as lilies was her face 
When she smiled and she beguiled 
And I will never find 
A love like this again

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